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6 Things You Should Know About Replacing Lead Service Lines

Hey there, fellow New Jerseyans! Providing clean and safe water is crucial for all of us. So, let’s spill the tea (or water) on what New Jersey American Water is doing about lead service lines. Grab a drink, and let’s dive in!

1. New Jersey Is Making Moves!

In July 2021, NJ got serious about water safety related to lead, by passing a law that requires all water providers to share with customers the material of the utility-owned and customer-owned service lines that lead to their property, notify customers with service lines that are lead or galvanized steel, and replace them by 2031.

Not one to lag behind, New Jersey American Water developed its Lead Service Line Replacement Program and launched an interactive map in January 2022 so you can see what your property's service line is made of. Check it out at!

2. Spreading the Word

New Jersey American Water has launched an education campaign across the company’s service areas to encourage customers to self-identify and report the material of the service line that brings water into their homes.

3. Lending a Hand: We All Need to Play A Role

It's clear that New Jersey American Water is making monumental strides in helping to ensure safe drinking water for everyone. But just like in a relay race, the baton at times needs to be passed for the journey to be successful. And you can support this initiative by locating and identifying your water service line and then submitting a short survey. Please follow these three easy steps:

  • Watch this video.
  • Follow step-by-step instructions to locate your service line and identify the material.
  • Snap a picture and click here to self-report your findings to New Jersey American Water.

4. Got Lead? Don’t Panic!

A little clarity moment: having lead in your service line doesn’t mean you should view your faucet suspiciously. New Jersey American Water tests its water regularly, which helps ensure that it meets state and federal water quality standards. You can learn more about that here. So, go on, fill that kettle, and brew your tea without a worry!

5. Replacements: No Additional Cost!

This might sound too good to be true, but New Jersey American Water is stepping up BIG time. If they discover a customer-owned lead service line during a main replacement project, they'll swap it out for a shiny new copper or plastic water line. And here’s the kicker – it won’t cost you any additional payments!

To Wrap it Up:

New Jersey American Water wants their customers to be safe, and their plan to remove all lead service lines by 2031 shows it. Stay hydrated, stay informed, and here’s to cleaner, safer water for all in New Jersey!